Do more, Think Later. Delightful. Desires. feeling. emotional. Loving. Life.

About this Blog – Sponsorship and Advertising Disclosure policy is a blog set up with the intention of offering support and advice to working mums, skewed to the lifestyle and undertakings that mums have to go through while transiting from single individuals to koala-hugging child-bearing parents.

I hope that this blog will responsibly reflect all the different facets of life that anyone has to go through (mostly nursing mums with little infants). What I hope to achieve is to offer shortcuts, opinions and DIY tips in areas that are useful for all mums alike, mainly living in and around Singapore (and beyond). Being a working mum, who has enjoyed 4 glorious months with my child (aka Jelly Bean); the knowledge that is transferable and of course, vice versa where any tips that mums can provide to me would prove useful as a side entertainment.

I will be featuring regular blog postings and recommended blogs I have come across on products that I frequently use either through work, lifestyle or just plain mothering. I will also do reviews of things that my child is likely to use or enjoy and use over the course of his ‘growing up’ years.

It is my intention that will be a free website for mums to use and I plan never to charge mums for the information that I offer.  However, as this is a business, and so in order to make the site free to users, I will be accepting a certain amount of advertising on the Website and the Blog.

There will be Sponsored Posts on the site, sponsored for by external companies, but I will clearly label these as such. This include giveaways which if sponsored will be highlighted in the post to ensure transparency.  I will always disclose that I have received a product or service for free and the review will always be honest – with both positive and negative points mentioned where applicable. If you have any concerns or just want to reach out to a mum with your experiences or are a merchant who would like your product reviewed, please email me at m.writewong@gmail(dot)com.

Note to Potential Sponsors

When I first started writing this blog many years ago, its main intention was to be relevant and informative, rather than commercial. To this, unbiased reviews are made on products that are to be reviewed and giveaways from reputable companies that are beneficial to my readers will be placed up as sponsored posts, for my blog and social networks.

The subjects that I cover with sponsored posts are relevant to mums who are working mothers, or to infants 0 months and up. I generally cover tech gadgets, home furnishings (apart from office), food and drinks and other home and lifestyle related- topics.

If you want to send me something to review, please contact me with a brief product introduction at m.writewong@gmail(dot)com and we can take it from there.

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