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Posts tagged ‘Julia Gillard’

Painting One’s Opinion- Caricatured Real-life?

Food for thought.

Those colourful images that we see in political discourses (namely newspapers ‘Look at me’ headline photographs or caricatures; do they actually serve to bring across a point, or merely to fuel what the journalist’s is essentially trying to paint?

Perhaps, for me, I do think it is best used to exemplify a certain aspect that the individual journalist is trying to portray. Although, sometimes images are taken out of context and used to ‘frame’ issues, or rather that’s the jist I am taking away from this.

For instance, is it necessary to use and highlight certain features to perhaps bring across a message that the candidate is ‘sneaky’ or ‘untrustworthy’?

An article in the Age seem to think that an opinion can ‘colour’ one’s image quite readily. ->–your-neanderthal-blood-is-worth-bottling-20110510-1eh3f.html

Although, mindfully there’s no image, but the title and the issue Ross Cameron writes about in short says the following; that Julia Gillard is vain and desires attention. Red head ninja?

I mean opinions are like noses, and notably Ross Cameron was the federal Liberal MP for Parramatta back in 1996, but it is on ‘The Age’, and the commentary about attention-seeking Ms Gillard really didn’t leave much to be imagined about Mr Cameron and his thoughts on all people who dye their hair. Oh wait, make that women who dye their hair.

Here’s several funny images and well, unflattering ones of Ms Gillard. Interesting to see, but what message is it trying to convey and how severely ‘out of context’ are these images?×0.jpg (brisbane times) (looking a little upper-ty and perhaps, arrogant?)

First posted 2011.