Do more, Think Later. Delightful. Desires. feeling. emotional. Loving. Life.

Archive for the ‘Hobbies’ Category

Hell Boy’s Abesapian -Cubee Print!

Found this delectable artwork at, where for the fun of it and the joy of craftworks and paper gumming…I tried my hand at this. Success! Although, a particular kid that entered the office, smashed it to smithereens. Time to work on my new handicraft perhaps?

House Renov takes on a new dimension

The popular taboo saying remains.

One does not simply engage in any heavy lifting or renovation-related activities when with child.

Can’t help but wonder if this was more a fail-safe for mums who just didn’t want to be burdened by their loving husbands with the responsibility of orchestrating a full-scale home and decor episode.

Personally, the dust and loud noises might pose a potential negative, but otherwise, renovation requires more pen-to-paper moments.

From drawing miniature visions of the perfect dream house to consultations with an ID or contractor (whichever the preference), to hunting down illusive bargains of branded appliances you have never heard of; technically renovation works should be a breeze until during the hacking and decorating phase.

Came across several dream looks in our ‘balcony-less’ home-to-be and a striking one was to create a non-partitioned area to substitute as a recreational corner for the family.


A new look next to the wider-than-necessary windows available at a new BTO near you, this little space would be great with either a strip of fake greenery or a day bed which converts into shelves. Toss in a little rattan hammock and voila! A piece of personal heaven.

Any renovation ideas that pop to mind when thinking along the lines of minimalistic (shelf-centric), accessible and rest-and-relax?

Photo credit:

DIY (2): Clothes w/ attached pockets n ribbed shirt!

Alright, it was more of an experimental feat of salvaging old clothes. Or rather, more to express my artistic side if I had one.

It was fun nonetheless. Perhaps it is the Chinese New Year Spirit. One would never know or differentiate.

Horoscopes and Years to Come…

Virgo – (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

In 2007, VIRGO, you should be establishing a new home (or changing homes) whether physically, psychologically, in terms of family make-up, whatever. Think of a "place to stand." Then, 2008 to 2024 will bring one of the deepest romantic, creative, inventive, successful periods of your life. I don’t mean successful in career (though this is not denied) but on a more emotional, experience-of-life level. Your appreciation of beauty will climb, as will you ability to express your deeper emotions. You’ll discover a new ease in speaking with members of the opposite sex. This won’t come over you like a sudden bolt from the blue, but in a slow, deep, growing way – you’ll look back and think, "Wow, I was so smooth and sincere, I would have convinced even myself." (Actually, you won’t even think that – you’ll just do it.)Virgo artists and writers will find themselves expressing deeper ideas and visions, almost involuntarily.

From 2011-2024, this romantic ease and depth will be overlaid with a natural marriage period. This period won’t be easy nor simple; your prospects for marital bliss can waver and fluctuate like a swimming pool light. Think of it this way: every time you’re sincere, clear, and free of an ulterior motive, you’ll see your prospects, and attract them (and experience true love with your mate if already married) in a clear, calm, smooth, expanding and fulfilling way – all the way to ecstasy! But if you have a hidden agenda, if you’re selfish, aggrandizing, deceptive, or not "clear," then, like a trembling of the swimming pool surface, the light of love will trick and betray. (You’ll know you’re in one of these "anti-love" moods, because in these states you’ll be frothed up, shilly-shallying, vibrating indecisively between options, filled with both grand visions and fears, anxieties and bliss.) Successful relationship, during these years, will be spelled u-n-s-e-l-f-i-s-h. And loneliness, anger and deep puzzlement will be spelled without the u-n.
2008 will be one of the luckiest and biggest years of your approaching creative, romantic era – and your success will directly relate to the success you have had in 2007, in establishing a home, a new residence, or, psychologically and emotionally, a place of solidity and security. (If you have not already found this "place," use August 21 or 22 to find it, and August 30/31 to commit to it.)

From 2010 through May 2012, your life will change through a series of lucky meetings and financial or intimate involvements. This can signal marriage for singles, beneficial divorce for unhappy Virgos, marital bliss for happy couples, and lucky opportunities for all, especially involving property, children, relocation, etc.