Do more, Think Later. Delightful. Desires. feeling. emotional. Loving. Life.

Posts tagged ‘love’

Back to work special

As we know, all good things will come to an end. Here’s to 4 months of excellent mother-coddling moments and epic explosive diapers.

Almost 4 months, and the journey of worktime scheduling and pumping has just begun.

If there was a cartoon that I would love to play on replay for the little kiddy, it would be _____ & the _____. Any guesses?


Happy Father’s Day & more

If commemorating father’s day was liken to that of a running marathon, the winning isn’t in how far the race ran for or how long it lasted for. Rather, the journey in itself.

Being new parents of a mere 3 months, things started with a rather traumatic initiation, followed by an ongoing period of interrupted sleep.


Jellybean laughing with dad

Still, what’s applaud-worthy lies in how people change with the coming of a newborn.

Happy Father’s Day, my love.


With great power comes great responsibilities.

Bon voyage! First trip at 3 months

Our first trip to Bali as a family and so far, so good. When jellybean’s asleep, his little cherubin face brings out the ‘oohs and ahhs’.


Having rapidly got his air ticket and passport done up (collected just the day before), travelling with a child isn’t exactly a cup of tea. Yet, As of today I can’t imagine travelling without him.


A good baby is truly good when he is in his own element