Do more, Think Later. Delightful. Desires. feeling. emotional. Loving. Life.

Archive for the ‘Photo-Snapping’ Category

Food Review- More than just an average Black Sheep

After a fruitful day of cleaning, we ventured out to the Black sheep restaurant for a mid-range fine dining experience.


Starting at $35 for a 3 course meal, we were met with a slew of food offerings that starting with ‘cheeky’ and ended with ‘baa-tastic’.


Our starter to the deluxe meal was that of a cold prawn dish that included sporadic drops of balsamic vinegar and pomelo bits. The dish in itself was tad bit little, although by appetizer standards and the fact that we were famished did help the situation.

There was also a lovely nice mushroom truffle soup and pipping hot bread that did the trick to keep us sated.

For the main dishes, perhaps it’s more a matter of preference but the broiled beef dish L recieved came with a few stringy fries and 4 pieces of peas. That didn’t quite cut it for me; especially when I’m quite big on Veg+. Was it mentioned that the dish was only lukewarm?


My dish was that of a duck confit that tasted pretty delightful. Basic requirements aside which consist of the usual food pyramid – vegetables, proteins and some carbs- this dish did look quite outstanding.


Before the curtains were drawn, for the last act which in itself did add credit to the meal came in the form of dessert. A gorgeous raspberry sherbert ice cream, doused in a lovely jam sauce. Positioned elegantly to its right was that of a chocolate cake that was just the right amount of decadence.


Not a bad place to venture through, although for couples who are seeking a peace of mind and some quiet time; do avoid festive seasons as this location is a gathering ground for post-work drinks and merry-making.


Here’s to a good lunch, kicking off mid 2016. To a year of delightful changes and more.

Tweaking with Windows Photo Gallery

Easy stuff that can be executed by anyone, but if you look in the right direction, perhaps you might be able to get the results you are seeking.

For myself, I do like high-contrast, oddly-surreal visuals, where as it is, after playing around with some of the settings, here are some visuals that I do so like!



Fujifilm’s F70 – 1st Take

For a Camera that has a long lineage of excellence in photography… this is one snapper that we have had our eye on for the longest time.

Here’s some initial snaps we managed to snap with this camera. For your eyes only. =p


Took these 2 shots of a pencil box from GV when we watched Up. Hm, note the difference in picture quality when there is flash and without. Apparently, I actually prefer it without flash as you manage to capture the shadows, which can be altered via photoshop when needed.

When zoomed in, although, it seems evident that the one with flash appears much cleaner and with minimal noise. Clean is good!


More photos from my table. Random. But check out the depth that this camera manifests from the depths of its belly.

Sushi-Making & Bentos. Trial 1!


My first try at making a sushi with mere plastic containers…which was very different from what I used to do; namely the painstaking rolling via bamboo…

A simple, top up and squish to get the shape in, however as I am using leftover dinner rice, the rice lack the stickiness that the normal japanese rice have.


On the plus side, the less sticky it is, the less carbo it might possibly content (in my dreams perhaps).


Got this from Daiso today as I wanted to start learning to make pretty Bentos for my bf eventually as he always nags that I don’t prepare him anything =P, and making this sushi, was a simple 10 mins? In between the rice as can be seen, I’ve used the potato cutlet my mom made for dinner and cheese slices…because i ❤ cheese.

Sprinkling on top would be the japanese toppings people place on onigiri, which I conveniently have lying around the house (I am quite a japanese food nut, just ask the girls in my office!) But, the problem was its inability to stay together for long, as can be seen in the random pieces that don’t form the perfect shape of the squished sushi. Nevertheless, I placed it back in the plastic container and added thousand island dressing, so as not to waste/ have to buy extra ingredients, more being that this was such a last minute experiment. 

Perhaps a little paste to hold the rice together would be good? Got to rethink this. Keeping it in the freezer until tomorrow. Sure looks tasty. >.< And it is after all very western in style, although in form, it is all Japanese!

Ajisen Din-Din~: Doesn’t it make you just want to woof it all down =p~

Nothing more is needed to be said, but the octopus is awesome in terms taste.

Charsiew Ramen…Ooo a little on the dry side but it looks awesomely tasty as well.


My Pork-soup based ramen… soup always perks up one’s appetite.


Sausages Japanese style!

Of Memories Long Past…New ones to be made


Time flies so fast…and I wonder if I’ve changed much over the years? Used the V500 Epson scanner to deliver all these old memories, on screen. And the speed with which it scans, is almost amazing.


I placed 4 simple pictures, set on maximum resolution, and voila. Lovely pictures in under a minute.

Each picture was individually scanned, so there’s neither a worry of having to keep swapping the pictures.



L says I’ve grown up in terms of looks, but in essence I feel that at least there’s one thing that never changes; and that’s my smile.

Hm… but every one has aged and changed so much, it’s almost scary. Mommy dearest, happy birthday tomorrow.

A grand 60, hope you love the digital frame and collage poster I’m making for you. ~

New Year (2nd day): Plaits by mom!

For the second day, mom did the best thing which hasn’t really happened in like…15years? Also notwithstanding the fact that I’ve not the longest of hair for Eons until recently.

  Still, ❤ for mom and her effort of tying my straggly hair together, and actually giving me a huge ang pow with dad (although I did give it all back to her at the end, regret!)


Lovely new year, except eating too much heaty food. But there’s nothing that liang cha can’t cure!

Foodie Time!: Yummy Crabs


Yummy crabs make this a delectable feed… ALthough I might have over eaten crabs.

People who love food will never miss out on eating crabbies. I’m definitely all smiles =D for good food!

DIY Days: Creative Lapses – Ring/Pendant (Turquoise)


Melbourne Tripping… And a sleeping Koala

Went Melbourne for a trip this december…and it was great fun. Tiring fun, but still fun.


Spent several gruelling but great days cruising down the sides of Great Ocean Road, and Penguin Island…


We even popped into the choco factory for a bite or two!

We also hit bridge road for a quick shopping spree, although DFO spencer seemed the better bet after all. Managed to get a Guess overall for $35 bucks and that was pretty much a steal.

Would have love to stay a little longer. Just a little longer perhaps, but bygones. I’ll be back soon enough.