Do more, Think Later. Delightful. Desires. feeling. emotional. Loving. Life.

Posts tagged ‘2014’

Dollars & Cents -Of Nappy Days

Being a parent also mean having to weigh out one’s options. Having tried many brands of diapers, a few stood out as exemplary wears.

The first that was tried and tested by Jelly Bean was none other than Huggies where having been given a free sample pack (at birth from the hospital), it fitted snuggly and felt dry to the touch despite being worn for up to 3 hours.

Of course, this was at a time when I had just assumed position as a new parent to a child whom I have yet become accustomed to. To this, changing nappies regularly to prevent diaper rash was one of my top priorities.

No one likes a wet bottom. Do you?


In an absorbency test done with 3 pieces of diapers per brand (samples sourced online- just head over to the ‘contact me’ section of all leading brands and you should be able to request with ease), Pet Pet unfortunately performed the worse. This was after having scoured through supermarkets on which diaper to purchase. Not only was it supposed to be light on the wallet (one of the cheapest), it was strongly recommended by the promoter lady, hence we bought a pack to try. It was definitely a cheap buy, with its price being almost half of that of the most expensive brands, yet, from having nappy leaks (the poo flowing out, backwards) to him having diaper rash- do note I was changing every 3 hourly- we hurriedly embarked on another quest to source for a new brand.

In the end, we settled on buying a combination of Huggies and Drypers.

This was when Jelly Bean turned 1 month old.

Why we chose Drypers & Huggies:

Truth be told, we really liked Mamy Poko, with Huggies ranking second.

Choosing Huggies was more due to a dollar and cents comparison- where on average, with promotions, Huggies was cheaper at 30c per piece. Thus, opting for it as our night-only solution. Drypers, with its discounts only amounted to 18 per piece (check out qoo10 for deals) which is fine as we change Jelly Bean quite frequently.

Our second attempt at Huggies after the first initial pleasant intro saw a back flow when he was lying in his pram. That was when he turned 4 months.

However, we soon realised that it was due to not tightening the diaper fully (the tape had to overlap each other in order for the elastic band to work) and as we were using Small- Jelly Bean weighed just shy of 6kg- it might have resulted in the spillage.


Fast forward 2 weeks and there’s been no other issue with leakages and he literally sleeps through nights from 12mn to 6am occasionally. For us, Drypers which was more economical, when changed regularly, was a good day-time baby bum companion.

Cost and comfort, when these two factors are met; that’s one happy baby.

Oh, the joy!

Of vaccinations & bye-bye bugs

Just had a conversation with one of my colleagues where with the flu bug in the air, it’s little wonder that tiny beings are falling sick all over the place.

Post Jelly Bean’s viral infection and nebuliser episode, what truly alarmed me was how quickly a baby needs to be treated. In a matter of hours, things could be so different.

Of course, being paranoid and panicking isn’t exactly the best solution; yet if the assumption is all is right without proper checks and balances, it might just be too late to react.

Since his recovery, we have had to prep Jelly Bean for his next few jabs. This was dragged on as we wanted to space things out, just in case he had an adverse reaction.

For the lesser informed, or kiasu parent like me; a paediatric doctor was the first choice in administering these jabs. What I didn’t know was that the polyclinic had a much better package and made a good case for the cash-strapped parent.


With his last 2 jabs and the rotavirus medicine, that set us back by over 400 bucks. This was a visitation without any visible ailments. A healthy, bubbly, raspberry blowing kid.


The many faces of Jelly Bean

Had we known earlier, perhaps attending the polyclinic might be a more pocket-friendly solution.

Point to note:

kid rearing needs more than tenacity and patience. A healthy cash pocket is required as well.

Of diapers & sustenance

As with all babies, diapers and their regular sustenance are basic necessities. Being pro – breastfeeding,  my current ‘work schedule’ at home revolves around pumping, latching and changing diapers.

Ladies, if your spouse or relatives say that breastfeeding isn’t providing your little one with enough nutrition; it is a fact that infants get all they need from just consuming breastmilk in the first 6 months of their lives -check out LLL’s guide on breastfeeding for more info.

Even if it’s a combination of breastmilk and formula milk; the antibodies that’s produced is a good way to maintain good health in your baby’s daily diet. Water should be introduced after 6 months, where don’t let the “breastmilk is too heaty, that’s why he/she falls sick often” talk get you in a panic.


Sitting up in his ergo.

Remember, even if supply is low, any milk from mom is good.

Happy Father’s Day & more

If commemorating father’s day was liken to that of a running marathon, the winning isn’t in how far the race ran for or how long it lasted for. Rather, the journey in itself.

Being new parents of a mere 3 months, things started with a rather traumatic initiation, followed by an ongoing period of interrupted sleep.


Jellybean laughing with dad

Still, what’s applaud-worthy lies in how people change with the coming of a newborn.

Happy Father’s Day, my love.


With great power comes great responsibilities.

Bon voyage! First trip at 3 months

Our first trip to Bali as a family and so far, so good. When jellybean’s asleep, his little cherubin face brings out the ‘oohs and ahhs’.


Having rapidly got his air ticket and passport done up (collected just the day before), travelling with a child isn’t exactly a cup of tea. Yet, As of today I can’t imagine travelling without him.


A good baby is truly good when he is in his own element

#motherhood: Delivery in progress.

And as we have it, having entered the delivery suite for induced labour ended in a quick start all-natural labour.

As advised by my gynaecologist, Dr C, we were admitted after midnight to await the morning. A quick explanation from the nurse revealed that the drip medicine will be administered early morning when the doctor came in to break the water bag.

Overnight, a softening medicine would be used to allow a smoother transition. She added, “you will feel like you’re having mild cramps. I’ve even had patients who didn’t feel anything.”

Having mentally readied myself for a restful night, with the CTG machine attached to my belly,  I curled up into a ball before getting some shut eye.

Before long, a wave of tightening around my tummy began. Over and over again before increasing in intensity. Apparently, jelly bean had decided it was time to make his appearance.

Fast forward a few hours, the entire delivery took around 5 hours (which we later realised was a rather quick labour period), as we awaited for Dr C to arrive. As I had passed the timing for epidural to be given (wanting to wait out the extended exposure of the epidural drug to my baby), laughing gas was the only available option.

The pain caused by the rolling waves of contraction and involuntary pushing, coupled with the rupture of my water bag threw all preparedness out the window. Deep breathing and focusing on a comforting mental image no longer worked and I knew that all this pushing before the time has come was only going to cause me more hurt than good.

Time ticked by minute after minute as I carefully eyeballed each passing moment, willing time itself to go faster.
With Dr C’s arrival, the nurses quickly pinned me down. Encouraging me to push when told (which I couldn’t adhere to well in my current condition), it took 6 good pushes before being greeted by the arrival of our new born.

Am I still on a euphoric high from seeing this little being come out from me? Most definitely.


Never underestimate the sacrifice your mothers have undergone for you… Having been through child birth itself, I have certainly gained a new level of respect towards all mothers. Especially those who did it without any form of anesthetic.

To stay-home or not?

In recent times, I have had many people come up to me, with full intention of rubbing my belly and telling me how I should enjoy this period of pregnancy. That is before life becomes a blur of routines and our apparent brain rots from inactivity due to a lack of mental stimulation (due to our 4 months worth of maternity leave).

To this, having read both sides of the story from stay home moms’ to working moms’ POV,  it doesn’t matter the choice or direction you head towards; but more importantly, the unconditional love you have for your little one.

Personally, from my perspective, stay-home moms have plenty of worries and work-to-be done that rivals that of their working cohort. Of course, vice versa, working moms who have their hands tied with work and deadlines feel that sad tinge of having to miss out on the many milestones their child will be going through while they are away. In short,  I wouldn’t want to give up work which brings in itself a form of self – satisfaction and worth and yet, not want to miss out on the moments my child will go through… largely without me.

Whatever the choices or roads that will unravel, all will come to pass in the near future. Food for thought.

Jelly bean on the move: 36 weeks and counting

It is times like this that paranoia and over – analysing get the better of all of us.

Piece of advise. Forums are a great source of information and yet a place that breeds anxiety.

Having just moved back into mom’s old place, the constant barrage of comfort food and hot soup is a familiarity that’s greatly welcomed.

From eating takeaway daily, being fed non – msg laden  dishes and plenty of vegetables for that added nutrition boost; being close to family also makes things seem less surreal in this tidal change.


The countdown begins. On a fleeting note. There’s just 4 more weeks.

Food Review- Revel at poulet

Headed down for a said unpretentiously good meal at Poulet with a friend. Needless to say, with resounding good recommendations from all around, this should make for a delightful dinner.

Having gotten started with deciding our meal preferences, as it would be for dessert craving individuals like us; our dinner options comprised of a granny chicken salad ($9.80) and fries ($4.80). For the rest of its rather delicious poutry and red meat range, that’ll have to wait for another time.


Upon seeing its serving, the lack of fresh vegetable was a little underwhelming. Expecting at least a good fill of leafy goodness, there were 3 pieces at tops (most likely cos lettuce?) and 4 tablespoons of prettily decorated chicken mix; all arranged in a professionally enticing manner.

Taste – wise and for a fact that my appetite these days was not too ravenous,  it took on a rather flavourful tuna mayo sandwich – texture, with a chicken twist. Not too bad as it wasn’t as salted or savoury as would be thought of, where with its overall presentation, it was acceptable overall.

In its place and to sate our sugar cravings, a creme brulee and tiramisu was our poison for the night. The main highlights if I had to add.


Portions were big in comparison to my earlier dinner which to place in perspective was just an appetiser to this delectable concoction.

Filled to the brim with creamy cheese and sponge fingers, it was more subtle in flavour when compared to the average Tiramisu; a mouthwatering and rather filling dessert to be had.


Lastly, we had the creme brulee which came served in a lagsana dish. With its lovely fired sugar topping; a quick tap and dip after, this eggy delight was completely demolished.

Time for round 2 soon, perhaps?

House Renov takes on a new dimension

The popular taboo saying remains.

One does not simply engage in any heavy lifting or renovation-related activities when with child.

Can’t help but wonder if this was more a fail-safe for mums who just didn’t want to be burdened by their loving husbands with the responsibility of orchestrating a full-scale home and decor episode.

Personally, the dust and loud noises might pose a potential negative, but otherwise, renovation requires more pen-to-paper moments.

From drawing miniature visions of the perfect dream house to consultations with an ID or contractor (whichever the preference), to hunting down illusive bargains of branded appliances you have never heard of; technically renovation works should be a breeze until during the hacking and decorating phase.

Came across several dream looks in our ‘balcony-less’ home-to-be and a striking one was to create a non-partitioned area to substitute as a recreational corner for the family.


A new look next to the wider-than-necessary windows available at a new BTO near you, this little space would be great with either a strip of fake greenery or a day bed which converts into shelves. Toss in a little rattan hammock and voila! A piece of personal heaven.

Any renovation ideas that pop to mind when thinking along the lines of minimalistic (shelf-centric), accessible and rest-and-relax?

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