Do more, Think Later. Delightful. Desires. feeling. emotional. Loving. Life.

Posts tagged ‘edd’

Bringing on labour

Amazingly, time has whisked past. Having just spoken with our gynaecologist on options for delivery as our little princess’s EDD was almost here, and she hasn’t turned, we were informed that an induced birth might be the next step. Like tomorrow in the morning.

The instructions were clear. Get yourself checked in, as we need to get that baby out of you.

From usual hearsays on the intensity of having to induce to the nagging thought that one should persevere and have as ‘natural’ a birth as possible; we scheduled a time to head into the hospital for a CTG and induced delivery tomorrow.

Having tried to coax her to come out as soon as possible (that’s right. One does get frustrated having to wait out the time for her arrival) and a scare from my gynaecologist on the mysteries of stillborn babies when their overdue by too many days- we await for her arrival. Now, being a second-time mom, you would have thought this would be easy-peasy. But, with the rather traumatic first-time experience with Jelly bean.. I was feeling a little overwhelmed especially with talks that I might need a c-sect if inducing doesn’t help.

24 hours more before long sleepless nights is only the beginning.